Return policy

Dear customer, if you want to benefit from the return service for a product, please read the content of this page carefully and then you can contact us.

also do not forget to include the product order number, to speed up the process of communicating with you well.

1 – The period for which the return service applies :

Our policy lasts 30 days. If it’s been 30 days since your purchase, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.

2 – Conditions for benefiting from the return service :

In order to benefit from the return service, your item must be unused, or at least lightly used, in general, the item must remain in the same condition and quality as it was before use, and must also remain in its original packaging.

In the event that the product was damaged by circumstances beyond your control, for example, the item was damaged during delivery or so on, you will certainly benefit from the return service, also the return must be sent in the original packaging.

3 – Conditions for taking advantage of the shipping service for return :

If you decide to return the item just because you regretted buying it or made a mistake in choosing the product, and you received the item in its original condition without any damage, you are responsible for the return shipping. You should also consider using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance because we do not guarantee that we will receive your returns, nor do we guarantee that they will remain in their original quality during the return shipping process.

But if the reason for the return is due to the fact that the product was damaged by circumstances beyond your control, for example, the item was damaged during its delivery or so on, we guarantee that shipping service and its insurance.

4 – How to benefit from the return service :

Once we receive your return, we will send you an email to let you know that we have received your returned item. Your refund will be processed and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card within a certain number of days.

5- In case of delay or non-receipt of the refund amount :

If you haven’t received a refund, first check your bank account again.
Then contact your credit card company, it may take some time before your refund is officially posted.
Then contact your bank. There is often some processing time before a refund is posted.
If you’ve done all of this and still haven’t received your refund, please contact us.

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